Dan Oltrogge
Chief Scientist & CSSI Director
Dan is the Director of the Center for Space Standards & Innovation (CSSI), Chief Scientist, and space policy expert at COMSPOC. He is also the Program Manager of the Space Data Center, providing space situational awareness and analysis support to 30 government, civil, and commercial space operators in the Space Data Association.
“When I'm not working, you can find me bicycling, kayaking, fishing, camping, hiking, singing, or woodworking.”
Practical issues with using a full gravity field
Space Traffic Coordination Framework for Success
The TraCSS Consolidated Pathfinder: Leveraging Commercial Capability in LEO
Deep operator and SSA collaboration for space sustainability
Synthetic Covariance Production Using a New Digital Approach
2023 Updated Space Safety Coalition Best Practices for the Sustainability of Space Operations
Sustainable Coexistence in Space: How CubeSats and Small Satellites Fit in our Current Space Governance Framework
Actionability and Persistence of Conjunction Data
Threat Analysis of Unreported Satellites in Geostationary Orbit
Achieving Space Sustainability through Intense Operator and SSA Collaboration
Spacecraft Safety Made Stronger: Taking the Space Data Center to the Next Level
Operators’ Requirements for SSA Services
Comparison of predicted and observed spacecraft encounters from Russian ASAT test
Assessing passive radar for LEO SSA
Space Traffic Management: On the topics of Data Fusion and Shared Catalogs
Russian ASAT Debris Cloud Evolution and Risk
Evaluation of LEO conjunction rates using historical flight safety systems and analytical algorithms
Innovative LCOLA tool prioritizing accuracy, launch access and efficiency
Recommendations of the IAF Space Traffic Management Terminology Working Group
SSA positional and dimensional accuracy requirements for Space Traffic Coordination and Management
Risk Assessment of Recent High-Interest Conjunctions
Results of comprehensive STCM data fusion experiment
Risk Assessment of Recent High-Interest Conjunctions
The contributions of commercial best practices to the global space governance continuum
Space Governance in the New Space Era
Book Chapter for A Closer Look at Space Debris: “Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management”
LEO constellation encounter and collision rate estimation: an update
SSA degradation from large constellations: A Starlink-based case study
The cost of not doing debris remediation
Characterizing the India ASAT Debris Evolution Using Diverse, Complementary Tools
The technical challenges of better Space Situational Awareness and Space Traffic Management
Debris Risk Evolution And Dispersal (DREAD) for post-fragmentation modeling
Practical considerations and a realistic framework for a Space Traffic Management system
The Need for Comparative SSA
Volumetric assessment of satellite encounter rates
The evolution of the CCSS Orbit Data Messages
The “We” Approach to Space Traffic Management
A comprehensive assessment of collision likelihood in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
Fragmentation event debris field evolution using 3d volumetric risk assessment
Probability of Collision: Valuation, variability, visualization, and validity
Full characterization of satellite conjunction walk-ins
Sample evaluation criteria for space traffic management systems
A comprehensive assessment of collision likelihood in Geosynchronous Earth Orbit
Application of New Debris Risk Evolution And Dissipation (DREAD) Tool to Characterize Post-Fragmentation Risk
Status of the ISO space debris mitigation standards (2017)
Collision risk in low earth orbit
Probability of Collision: Valuation, Variability, Visualization, and Validity
Using space population models to generate representative space object catalogs
Efficient solutions of kepler’s equation via hybrid and digital approaches
Volumetric encounter analysis enhancements
Multi-Phenomenology Observation Network Evaluation Tool (MONET)
Parametric Characterization of SGP4 Theory and TLE Positional Accuracy
Volumetric Assessment of Encounter Probability
Commercial Space Operations Center (ComSpOC): A Commercial Alternative for Space Situational Awareness (SSA)
Efficient Solutions of Kepler’s Equation Via Hybrid and Digital Approaches
Standardization by ISO to ensure the sustainability of space activities
Effective Strategies for Satellite Communications RFI Mitigation
Space Standards Establish Norms for Space Operations
Maneuver event detection and reconstruction using body-centric acceleration/jerk optimization
An Evaluation of CubeSat Orbital Decay
Determination of orbit cross-tag events and maneuvers with Orbit Detective
Ephemeris Requirements for Space Situational Awareness
AstroHD™: Astrodynamics Modeling With a Distinctly Digital Flavor
Analysis of the response of a space surveillance network to orbital debris events
Standardized Approaches for Estimating Orbit Lifetime after End-of-Life